26 June 2024

I Caught Covid Again


   I suspected what might be happening yesterday, when my throat didn't feel right, like it was going to be sore.  Then, occasional chills, which I compensated for by wrapping a scarf around my neck, not using the A/C, and actually turning off the fan even though it was over 90*F and uncomfortably humid. 

   By evening, I was certain that I was coming down with a common cold (which has always hit me hard after these exact symptoms), or, it could be Covid again.  Sweats, chills, body aches, fever and headache – quite the bummer in an otherwise good week. 

   The night was terrible – classic Dhukka.  Early this morning, I met Tuk in the kitchen and asked her to get the Covid Test kit.  Positive!  Now Tuk must wheel Mother out to greet the monk, I must be isolated up in my room and veranda, and Ree (who often buys groceries, etc., for us) must pick up things for me.  And, I had really wanted to go into the city tonight to see the one-time-only showing of *Amadeus* (1984) at my movie club.  I don't know how long I will be isolated, but I'm going stir-crazy already! 

   I had tested positive for Covid two years ago, but that was only like a very mild cold.  This time it's more like a severe cold.  My temperature is down to normal now, and I think I'll be okay before too long.  



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