12 March 2023

Clear Weather, Fine Moons


We have had a lot of fine weather with very clear skies in the last couple of our winter months, and, thus, I have been out and about quite a bit.  Seeing the Moon again, as she goes through her phases, is always a lifelong delight for me. 

A few nights after the last New Moon, I decided to trek to The Rock Pub to hear my favorite band, Mundee.  At about 7:30 in the evening, I took a few tokes of herb at home and then walked the mile to the nearest mass transit station.  I noticed the fine waxing Crescent Moon in the west as I hit the street, and while waiting on a train platform, I noticed it again.  Sharp and beautiful!  I looked around, but no one else was seeing it – they were all playing with their phones.  (Talk about different priorities!) 

The following Full Moon was the Buddhist holiday of Makha Puja, a major national observance.  Tuk went to a temple with friends, and I took a long morning march in the neighborhood on empty sidewalks. 

I like to stop and gaze when crossing the many small khlongs (canals) that flow under the roads and sidewalks on our side of the river.  They are relics of the past, when they were the main means of travel when Bangkok was known as “the Venice of the East.”  (Most khlongs on the eastern, Bangkok side, of the Chao Phraya River are filled in by development these days, but on our western, Thonburi side, many of them are still here.) 

Our summer has officially started.  The humidity is rising, and the next few months will be sweltering.  Sweat City. 

