28 February 2022

Vax Booster, but No Haircut


I finally got my Covid-19 Booster vaccine Saturday morning.  This booster was the Moderna mRNA at a private hospital, and Tuk had bought “full dose” (two shots) appointments for herself, her parents and me ahead of time early last year.  But the Moderna vaccine didn’t arrive in Thailand until November or so, and by that time Tuk had two shots of Sinovac and a Pfizer booster, and her parents and myself had already gotten two doses of the A-Z.  So, Tuk had to do some trading to get me just a single Moderna as a booster. 

The private hospital was only several klicks away and easy to get to.  The staff was terrific, there were no waiting lines to speak of, and the whole affair was completed quickly.  Our goal now is to get the parents there for their boosters, but we will have to allow time since their last A-Z shots and figure out how to transport them there.  When they are finally fully-vaccinated, with boosters, then I will feel more confident to go out into more crowded venues for music, etc. 

Our Cool Season has lasted for an unexpectedly long time.  We had one “cold” week in December, as normal, with following weather that lacked the usual brutal humidity of the rest of the year.  In my experience, February was never as semi-comfortable in past years as it has been this year.  I still sweat horribly if out for a long walk, but it has not been 24-hour suffering with rising dew points. 

But this will change soon.  The Hot Season normal will begin, and I will long for the relative shade of the Rainy Season come June or July. 

I cannot get a haircut.  My regular hair cutter is not working right now (and I don’t know exactly why).  She speaks good English and knows exactly how I want a cut, and I have been a regular customer for well over five years now.  I’m vain about my hair, and I abhor being scalped by barbers who don’t understand what I want.  I’ve always been this way, searching for barbers who I can stick with for as long as possible.  My hair is now slowly growing out long, like it was many times so many years ago.  The difference now is that it is silver.  I cut some around my face to keep it out of my eyes.  As the Hot Season comes, we will see how long I can take the heat. 

I am still enduring bad hip pain, especially when trying to sleep, and I don’t know why this is happening.  I haven’t fallen.  I did pull low back muscles, above my rump and on either side of my sacrum, many months ago when lifting storage boxes, and that set me back, making most exercise go on pause for a long while.  Also, I had minor surgery in December and had stopped exercise for a while, with a lot of leg cramps when starting back up again.  Those stops in exercise routines are killers.  It’s hard to start back up without further injuries.  I’ve had painful episodes on the treadmill and have had to stop that for now.  I have better luck sauntering my walking haunts in the neighborhood without pushing it in a Gung Ho frenzy, then slowly ramping it up when possible, listening to my body.  Push ahead – steady.   (It’s tedious.  What’s it going to be like when I get old?) 

However, all in all, life is good. 

