09 June 2023

Rains & Cannabis Day


I vowed to outrun the rain today, so I started my walk much earlier than usual after reading the weather report’s timing of today’s rain.  I still carried a big umbrella.  I did my seven-k marching loop (climbing only six pedestrian flyovers en route, out of a possible 12 or so).  The pavements were dry, and the sidewalks were quite empty for a Friday. 

Last Monday, I had the same goal, but the rain outran me.  It caught me just after I competed the halfway mark on my loop, and it came down hard and windy.  My Merrell pack has a good rain cover, but the umbrella I packed was the smallest and most compact that I have, and it did a poor job of defending from the heavy blowing rain.  I arrived home a bit wet.  So, it will be only serious umbrellas from now on. 

Today is Cannabis Day in Thailand, the one-year anniversary of the de-listing of cannabis as an illegal drug.  Good grass with high THC is available everywhere, and it sure has turbo-charged my exercise habits in this last year, making me feel healthier than in many years.  Two tokes, followed by intense Tai Chi, range-of-motion calisthenics and careful stretching, and I hit the pavement.  Great workout.  There was no direct sunlight because of the clouds, so it was a much cooler walk than any in recent months. 

Blessed Coolness.  Zen Delight. 

