28 March 2024

Tiger Kitty, RIP


  Tiger Kitty, a popular neighborhood outside-dwelling cat only several years old, has died.  Very strong and healthy, reports say she just laid down and passed away.  No known cause, with some speculation that it was a snake bite, as she lived outside and slept in various places. 

  Tiger Kitty was sort of adopted by the family of the beautician/barber living next door, where our alley meets the corner of the soi.  The kitten was quite wild and tended to bite, so they couldn't let her live inside due to their baby.  So, all of the immediate neighborhood fed the little tiger cat – e.g., the motorcycle-taxi guys on the corner and various other locals – and Tuk and I had her neutered and vaccinated. 

  She increasingly came to our gate or climbed down the wall to our courtyard to eat food that Tuk gave her.  She no longer nipped ankles, and she allowed to be petted.  In the early mornings, she would sit close by as I did Tai Chi movements all around her.  Tiger to tiger. 

  She had become a welcome everyday visitor.  But no more. 

