31 March 2019

Extreme Heat

Our Hot Season began with a vengeance and much earlier than I expected this year.  It is a real furnace.  Nighttime lows are always above 85*F and daytime highs are between 98* and 101*F, and it has been this way for a few weeks now.  Out in the sun it is wicked, and it is hard to find any breeze.  Add to this the ever-present high humidity and you get Sweat City.  It’s likely that it’s going to be like this right through May.  We look forward to the Rainy Season after that for some relief. 

I think that the above complaint about the heat is something I write about every year.  But it always takes me completely by surprise every year, because it is so intense.  However, it is the biggest news item in our lives at this moment, therefore I mention it again. 

04 March 2019

Mundee Is Back, with their Rock n Roll!

The Rock Pub (“Bangkok’s House of Rock”) has long been my main music mecca here, and I try to get into the city to attend their gigs at least twice a month if possible.  I like the music of all the house bands there – however, me being an old guy I tend to identify more with the bands who play older Rock music, say from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. 

And Mundee is that band.  They are veteran musicians with a mastery of those songs that I’m most familiar with, and they truly Rock!  I can identify perhaps 95% of the songs Mundee plays – and maybe, for most, tell you who wrote the song, who covered it, in what year, and where I was when I first heard it on the radio.  (Radio!…Ga Ga.) 

As for the Rock Pub’s other house bands, they are all fantastic, and one with a somewhat similar-sounding name, Munson, is also one of my long-time favorites, playing an early range of songs from perhaps a decade later than Mundee’s repertoire.  I can identify maybe 70% of the songs Munson plays by song name or band.  Munson makes Heavy Metal weigh-in way heavy. 

(I lost track of contemporary Rock by the early-1990s because I was finishing college and beginning my teaching career, and I just didn’t have time to pay attention.) 

For the younger band Jimmy Revolt, who have a stunning range of songs in their repertoire – and whom I love to hear and also consider to be good friends – I cannot tell you much about the majority of their songs’ histories because they are much newer, but I’m a major fan of anything they play because they do it so well.  And they do know an amazing variety of oldie crowd-pleasers for whenever the Rock Pub is filled with old-fart farangs.  Versatile and cool. 

But Mundee speaks personally to my own youth as an ancient devotee of Rock and Roll.  They play classic hard rock that stirs up intense memories.  Mundee had not been playing at the Rock Pub recently, because of some kind of an accident a band member had.  But when I saw that they were finally scheduled back for a recent Saturday night gig, I just had to make a special trip into town for them.  They did not let me down. 

Mundee will probably be slotted again into the regular Wednesday night gig – after many years being the Saturday regulars.  This is good news for me, because Wednesday is often the best time for me to get into the city.  I’ve planned this coming Wednesday entirely around their gig.  Rock On. 
