28 March 2020

Weekend Update

No absolute curfew here yet, but we are under an Emergency Decree, which is confusing in its interpretations.  Stay at Home is strongly urged (or is it ordered?), and movement is said to be limited quite a bit, but it is baffling on what that really means.  This government, like all of them anywhere, is hopelessly inept while being puffed up with power-importance, and it would be great comedy if it were not so tragic. 
Recent Immigration Office cluster chaos: 
I had to go to Immigration again this week for additional petty bureaucratic paperwork bullshit, and I found horrendous crowds there, probably because of sudden pandemic-related panic about new visa requirements, etc.  What happened to the “social distancing” so strongly recommended?  It was early in the morning when it is usually not terribly crowded, but lines were already outside the front door – in the sun.  I tried a side entrance, went upstairs to the relevant floor, and found a closely packed line of people going into infinity.  Not only would it be impossible to receive service before noon, but this stockyard, Petri-dish environment repelled me. 
So, I turned around, exited the building and found a taxi home.  Screw it.  I will have to pay a hefty fine for not doing the (utterly ridiculous) paperwork on time, but it was worth it just to get out of there.  Bureaucrats everywhere can go to Hell – a Hell with a torturously impossible queue as in the film Betelgeuse (1988)!   
Other than all that, we are trying to keep cool and civil as the temps go up toward 100*F with deadly dewpoints.  Music, books, and DVDs save the day – along with fans and iced drinks.  Cheers! 

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