14 September 2018

New Immigration Office

Today I did my obligatory in-person 90-Day Report of my current Thai address (although it has not changed in 12 years).  The new aspect of this routine is that my province’s Immigration Office has just moved to a new location.  It is more spacious with enough seats, is much closer to home and easier to get to, and has much better access to taxis for getting back.  I like it.  (So far.) 

The last provincial immigration office – which had opened within the last 10 years or so – was located far to the north and way out in the boonies amongst rice fields with no taxi traffic, so I would have to pay a taxi driver to stay to take me back.  This meant the driver would have to wait anywhere from a half hour to three hours.  I hated that aspect of it, but I admit I did like the country scenery of the trip.  That building was rather new and was air conditioned, but all immigration business was done in just one room, so there were many times when I could not get a seat and had to stand for an hour or more, packed shoulder to shoulder like a sardine.  Nightmare. 

But the immigration office I went to in my first few years here was even more of a terrible nightmare.  It was in an old area of Bangkok, and the building had no air conditioning and was absurdly crowded.  The smell of fellow aliens offended even me!  Tuk often went with me in those days – and she still always does for the major annual April visa extension – and we would celebrate finally getting our dread business done by going to The Hard Rock Café for lunch.  We are glad that first office is behind us, although we do miss The Hard Rock Cafe. 

This new office promises to make immigration ordeals more bearable.  (We hope.) 


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