Our beloved young cat, Jiuu (meaning “Tiny”), died today, barely one year old. We are heartbroken, as she was a vibrant member of our family. Jiuu was a cosmic clown, making us laugh continuously. She was a loving pet, and she just adored Tuk, sleeping near her every night.
Tuk had rescued her as a kitten after her mother was killed by a dog. Tuk had a good vet give her all the vaccinations in the book and brought her home on Halloween last. We kept her indoors, and we cannot understand how she got so sick. Animals don’t live long here in the tropics.
She got sick suddenly less than six weeks ago and went into a radically steep decline. The vets cannot explain it. She wouldn’t eat and went right down, despite our force-feeding her liquid nourishment, fluids, and meds. We took her to the vet many times, most recently just this morning. But she gave up the ghost this evening. Poor little girl. We miss her so much.
Here is a picture of Jiuu from the early days when we brought her home: http://pinetreewind.blogspot.com/
She was a darling.
My deepest condolences, she sounds like a good friend.