28 November 2014

Thrombosis Again?


I’m limping. And sulking about it. My lower left leg is lamed, and I’m afraid it might be a recurrence of the thrombosis I had a couple of years ago. If it becomes visibly swollen I will have to go to the doctor.

Not being able to walk, to fully stride out and wander, is a personal blow to my very identity. I am a walker, a rambler, and a wandering hiker by nature, and to not be able to freely walk about is like a prison sentence for me.

The previous thrombosis episode started the same way: I felt what I thought was a muscle cramp in my calf, but careful stretching didn’t help. It got worse and swelled up alarmingly.

The cause of this present lameness episode seems to be my inactivity last weekend, when for two whole days I sat and caught up with a huge backload of email correspondence and did nothing but sit and type. And beyond that, I spent a long spell in late October reading the great biography, "Mao: the untold story", and writing a review of it. Inactivity is poison. Activity is life.

I hope I’m wrong and that this crippling leg problem is not a thrombosis flare-up. But whatever the cause of it, I cannot wait to get back on my feet again.



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