30 October 2013

Recent Books

Well, we didn't get flooded this year, although I sweated it for a while.  The Rainy Season is over, and we look forward to some relief from the humidity as the monsoon winds shift from the wet SW to more dry Northerly ones out of north Asia.
I recently read Ender's Game (1985) by Orson Scott Card.  He is a popular science fiction (S-F) writer, but seemingly only marginally libertarian, yet a feature film adaptation is coming, so I read it.  It was a good read and I look forward to the movie.
I just read Ira Levin's A Kiss Before Dying (1953) and really enjoyed it.  I had been looking in bookstores for Levin's This Perfect Day (1970), which won a Prometheus Hall of Fame Award from the Libertarian Futurist Society, but I mistakenly bought this book.  So I had put it on the shelf and didn't think twice about it until getting a good recommendation from Rand's literary criticism by re-reading her The Romantic Manifesto (1971).  Rand and I agree on most of literature and film, and her recommendations have usually been excellent sources of enjoyment for me, e.g., Hugo, Schiller, Fleming, Spillane, Zorro, etc.  Buying the book was not a mistake after all.
I've been reading Halloween horror on my Kindle, and I'll post reviews either here or on Zenwind soon.

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