23 November 2012

New Thai Political Storm?

Yesterday I took a boat into Bangkok to see the opening here of the movie The Master, and I made a special effort to see it now because by tomorrow we may see restricted travel in the city.  This weekend’s huge anti-government (anti-Thaksin) rally has worried those in power -- the pro-Thaksin red shirt folks -- enough to enact the Internal Security Act (ISA) for three central Bangkok districts. 
The ISA is just short of martial law and gives police massive emergency powers.  The protest rally’s leader has called for a military coup to oust the current democratically elected government, and many other groups may join in the protest.  Normally, the ISA would chiefly have the military involved in law enforcement, but this time it is the police who run the show, with military help only as a last resort.  Why?  The police are widely considered to be pro-Thaksin and the military had ousted Thaksin in the 2006 coup, thus the military is not trusted by those in power. 
The Master, a film by Paul Thomas Anderson, is not for everyone, but I wouldn’t miss it since I’m a news junkie for weird cult/religious behavior, and this movie was inspired in part by the Church of Scientology (CoS).  I have been following the weird news of the CoS for several years, especially now that the cult has been self-destructing recently, e.g., with massive defections of top leaders, with scandals hitting the news at least weekly, etc.  Watching The Master, I saw dozens of thinly-veiled references to the CoS that were unmistakable, and I’m sure that folks with even more knowledge of CoS could find scores, if not hundreds, of direct references to it. The acting was first rate, and the music very interesting.  Caveat:  not everyone will enjoy this exploration into the bizarre. 

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