08 November 2011


8 November: Apparently we will not see much more flooding in our neighborhood, although other parts of the Central Plains south of us are still expecting the floodwaters to reach them soon. We still wade in water on the ground floor and outside the house. We could still have water levels rise again in our house and street, but after what has already hit us it would not be that dramatic.
We are flood veterans now – although many Thais have experienced much, much more traumatic flooding for a longer time. For us it went through several phases: watching news predictions; moving stuff upstairs and building sandbag levees around the house; the flooding itself when the levees were not enough for the huge volume of water; now the gradual receding of floodwaters. Next will be clean up, but now is time for exhaustion.
I had lifted heavy sandbags and moved heavy stuff upstairs – efforts that I never thought I could do at my age. My knees and back still scream with pain. Now I’m just tired out.

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