25 February 2025

Last Cool Day; Exercise


   I think today will be the last cool one this season, because forecasts predict that, starting tomorrow, temperatures will rise radically along with much more intense humidity – i.e., oppressive dew points every day.  The dread Sweat City is approaching for the next several months. 

   Re: my exercise routines.  I stopped exercising after 21 November last year when I had my cataract surgery.  The eye doc forbad it since it would take a month for my eyes to heal.  Also, I stopped micro-dosing Cannabis then because I mainly use it for goading me to exercise, and I vaguely knew of its effects on eye pressure.  (Cannabis had historically been recommended for certain glaucoma treatment, since it affected eyeball pressure; I didn’t know the details, but I thought I should stop toking pot just to be safe.)  And, since marijuana is one of the most dramatic incentives for me to exercise with vigor, I lost the inspiration to work out. 

   In the weeks after my eye surgery, I had my prostate crisis.  Enlarged, but benign, prostate meant a catheter and the Rezum surgery on 3 January.  That surgery didn’t work.  The continuing need for a catheter is fundamentally restricting, and my old exercise routines of radical stair-climbing had to stop.  I have become a couch potato, only reading or watching films, not moving enough. 

   I have lost an incredible amount of muscle.  One worry is that, with weakening core muscles, my crippling sciatica pains will return.  I’ve already felt the beginnings of such pain.  What exercises could be possible to keep from collapsing into such downward-spiraling weakness?  Maybe some dumbbell work and Yoga for the upper body and core – while restricting the legwork only to stretches, moderate walks, and no radical stair climbing. 

   But my months of inactivity have let me slide into a mindset of sloth.  That’s a tough morass to clamber back up out of.  What can inspire me again?  Cannabis! 

   I have again tried micro-dosing with two tokes of weed.  It is amazingly transformative; in that it immediately gets me into a Tai Chi workout that is focused and that makes me work on so many different muscle groups with mindful concentration.  Not just token Tai Chi movements – but intense focus on all needed muscles that need waking up and care.  The incredible awareness of my physical body is beyond compare.  Cannabis is excellent medicine when used in moderation. 

   Also in these weed sessions, I moderately do my USMC calisthenics, Yoga and stretches.  Then I do the Tai Chi and calisthenics with lite dumbbells. 

   Throughout my life, a micro-dose of marijuana has encouraged me to physically move out, work out, and aspire to greater things.  It is life-affirming. 

   After full exercise routines today, I sat out on my camp lounger on the veranda, watching the day cool down.  Maybe the last comfortable evening for a while.  Pairs of birds race by.  The wind is still.  There’s a lot of silence, punctuated by bird calls.  Life is good. 

