31 May 2024

Rain Again


   Finally, some brief, but unpredictable, cooler moments in the hottest season I've ever experienced.  It isn't really raining a whole lot yet, and the direct Sun cooks you, but there are more times of clouds shielding us from it. 

   Daily dewpoints (the measure of hot/humid uncomfortableness) are starting to dip down into the bottom edge of the range described as "Extremely Uncomfortable and Oppressive", rather than the recent normal of being stalled at the top of that range and occasionally going above it into the "Severely High" range.  Man, it's been hot. 

   The sound of thunder is welcome, and when it does rain, I enjoy the sound of it on rooves and the fresh smell of it in the air.  It cools down the entire world. Blessed coolness – Zen delight! 

