I re-injured my lower back
again. Three weeks ago, I was careless
when sorting books and cleaning, bending and lifting. I should have worn my lumbar-sacrum elastic back
brace while doing it, but I had been feeling so fit for so long that I thought
I was invincible. My ruptured lumbar
disc pinches the sciatic nerve, and the pain in my hips and legs makes it almost
impossible to walk. Bummer!
I now have a newer back brace,
longer, a better fit. It helps during
this period of healing, preventing further injury. I wear it when active during the day. I have been limited to very short walks
(hobbles) to local grocery stores, and I take taxis to and from the train
station rather than walking the mile distance.
I need to slowly build up my back muscles again.
I had not been smoking any THC cannabis
since the injury, since I didn't think exercising would be a good idea while
initially healing. Until a few days ago,
when I took a two-toke micro-dose of C. sativa, and, without wearing my back
brace, I did some carefully mindful Tai Chi.
It made me so incredibly aware of my body, my muscles, joints, sore
spots, etc., and I very gently worked out a few kinks and stretched and
explored my flexibility. I felt much
better for the rest of the day.
But my back is still fragile, and I
must not be careless and overdo activities until I'm healed and slowly build up
muscle again.