Finally, I am fully
vaccinated for Covid-19 – although this second shot will not be fully effective
until two weeks from now when it does its work.
I got the second
dose of the Oxford Astra/Zeneca vaccine yesterday at the Bang Sue Grand Station. The enormous venue was crowded, but not
nearly as chaotic as 12 weeks ago when I got my first shot there. It was well-organized, paperwork and shots
were done quickly, and everyone was very helpful.
Tuk’s parents
only got their first shot recently (same vaccine at the same place), so their
12-week second dose will be in November.
We are still careful about virus hygiene, since they are quite old.
Cinemas are open
now, but pubs are closed, and there is still a curfew preventing any late
nightlife. A full re-opening of normal
life has no predictable timetable yet. Thailand’s
vaccination rate has been dreadfully slow, but it is picking up.
I often go a week
at a time without turning on this laptop, thus I haven’t been writing anything
(emails, etc.). It is more comfortable
to browse on my tablet and read books on my Kindle. I have many emails stalled in drafts, and I must
get to it, finish them, and get them sent out. Apologies to my treasured correspondents.
I have also been
trying to get out exercising more, and my legs feel rather strong again. Shopping for the foods I like has become more
difficult, since there are often unpredictable supply shortages of favorite specialty
foods. Thus, I’m doing a lot of legwork
hunting them down – not to mention long treks via train and taxi to the better
My lifting has
long been stalled because of back injuries, but I hope to get back into that
But my attitude remains
serene. A simple life is good.