30 September 2010

End of September Note

I am still not able to write much because of endless computer problems. But we are all doing very well and trying to stay dry during the delightfully cool monsoon rains. So no one should worry about us because of long silences. I am feeling better than ever, exercising and dieting. If I were still actively boxing, I would be a Middleweight now, having come down from the Heavyweight and Light-Heavyweight classes in recent months. Lean and meaner than ever.
My old computer is all but dead, but I saved important written document files even though I cannot use them yet. I have a new laptop, which is fast and sleek, but the store-installed software was pirated. A very good friend of mine has been extraordinarily helpful sorting through this mess for me and advising me, and he has remained cheerful throughout it all.
I have been sitting in front of screens so much lately, trying to figure out computer problems, that my hind-end is too sore to sit anymore, so I'm going into Bangkok to raid more bookstores and either meet up with libertarian friends or else catch the Soi Dogs Blues Band at Nomad's pub. ("A night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble.")